Registered Charity No: 1089167

Livelihoods projects


Health and welfare projects

Livelihoods projects
A hand up not a hand out
Partnerships in The Gambia
Partnerships in The Gambia is the new name for WYCE. Whilst we have retained the charity name of Wonder Years Centre of Excellence (WYCE), we have adopted the new working name Partnerships in The Gambia to better reflect the way we will be working in the future.
Since the separation of WYCE and WYCE Gambia, Partnerships in The Gambia has been working hard to create a new direction for the charity.
We are very proud of the many achievements we have made together over the past few years of our partnership, and wish WYCE Gambia every success in the future.
Over the years we have worked with some amazing people and organisations and have decided to focus our efforts on supporting both their work and the work of new partners who share our philosophy of sustainable development.
With our partners we look forward to working on projects across The Gambia. Projects decided upon and led by Gambians. Partnerships in The Gambia works as a facilitating organisation - lending a hand up rather than giving a hand out.
Without your donations we would not be able to work on projects with our partners.
As we are run by volunteers most of the money raised goes straight to projects.
You can make a donation here or, if you prefer, make a regular contribution to support a specific project, by contacting us.
We need volunteers to help us run the charity. If you are not sure how you could help please see our "Get Involved" page.
We are always looking out for ideas for new projects in The Gambia that we can support.
If you have an idea about how to raise funds please contact us. We'd love to discuss it with you.
Our mission is to work with like-minded partners across The Gambia to facilitate sustainable development by lending a hand up rather than giving a hand out.
If you believe in our philosophy we would like to hear from you - both individuals willing to help and organisations looking for partners. We may be able to help.