Registered Charity No: 1089167
In 2015 we set up an education bursary that we have decided to continue as a Partnerships in The Gambia project.
Through this project we have funded six young Gambians to complete their teacher training. Most are still working at the WYCE Basic Cycle School in Madina Salam.
We also funded a young man to complete his higher secondary education and we are supporting another young man through University.
By supporting talented individuals to reach their full potential you are supporting the development of the country as a whole.
We intend to establish the Partnerships in The Gambia Education Bursary as an ongoing fund. If you wish to contribute to this fund please let us know. You can make one off donations, set up regular payments, or join a fundraising event. All money raised will be ring-fenced to support educational development in The Gambia.
Tallin Tallin
Tallin Tallin is a project directed by long-term WYCE volunteer and respected UK artist and theatre maker Amy Pitt, and we are proud to have partnered with Amy to secure funding for this brilliant project.
So far we have jointly secured funding for the publishing of a beautifully illustrated book of stories to be distributed to all state primary schools in The Gambia; the transportation and distribution of the books; digital versions of the book; recordings of the stories in the original languages.
We are now fundraising to stage live events in The Gambia showcasing the stories, local storytellers and musicians.
Lamin Touba Nursery School
Together with our partner The African Golden Oriole Foundation we repaired weather damaged buildings at the Lamin Touba Nursery School.
Our donors have funded the completion of a bantaba in the school playground to provide shade from the sun and rain.
The 1st Crystal Palace Scout Troop and Crystal Palace Explorer Unit are staunch supporters of the charity’s work in The Gambia.
The Scouts and Explorers, along with their leaders, have donated funds and resources, raised awareness of the Charity’s work and have made visits to Madina Salam in The Gambia, as volunteers, in order to build strong links with scouts in the village and surrounding areas. Their generosity over the years has helped the charity make a difference to the lives of children and their families. Their support has included:
shipping bikes from the UK to The Gambia (in support of the charity’s focus on income generation initiatives to provide sustainable livelihoods and the self-sustainability of projects)
a lunchtime feeding programme for students at the school in the village
building a classroom - scouts and explorers also gave hands on support by digging the footings for the foundations and by making blocks for the walls
providing key resources for the clinic, school, and library
providing resources for the scouts in Madina Salam, including tents and other scouting equipment and the provision of individual boxed gifts for the scouts in Madina Salam (donated by Crystal Palace Wolf Cubs)
We are pleased to announce that we are working together on a range of new projects to be finalised when the global pandemic subsides. Watch this space for further details.
Sibito Drinking Water
The people of Sibito are mainly subsistence farmers; they rely on the seasons, their crops, and their hard work to survive. They usually grow enough to eat and perhaps sell on a little extra. However, water is becoming a problem. They have wells from which to draw water to quench the thirst of their crops but the water from these is not clean enough for them to drink safely. Some time ago water pumps were installed in the village to provide clean fresh water from deep down in the water-table. However, with extended use these wells wore out and broke down. The people of Sibito had to return to sharing water from the shallow wells with their crops.

Covid-19 Community Engagement
The West Coast Region Red Cross Society is planning a series of community engagement events to raise awareness of Covid-19. The first of these events will be sponsored by Partnerships in The Gambia and if it is successful we will work to provide funding for more events. It is necessary at these events to highlight the importance of human activities in combating and controlling the spread of Covid-19 within close-knit communities.
The events will help to inform communities about the latest information available about the virus and other health issues associated with the virus. They will also enable West Coast Region Red Cross Society volunteers to influence the perspective of the people about the virus.
It is hoped that a better informed community will affect a change of individual and group behaviour and so the spread of Covid-19 will be contained.
The volunteers aim to invite youth groups, women’s groups, schools, and market traders to their meetings.

Along with our partners at Sibito Jobe Kunda Youths Association the community of Sibito established a water committee with the aim of raising funds to fix their water pumps. However, it has been a slow process as people have little money to spare. PinGambia were so impressed by their efforts that we have decided to use money raised by you to help fix two of the community’s pumps. In response the community have agreed to pay a small sum each month to ensure that the pumps are kept maintained. We will provide the means by which to repair the pumps but then hand them over to the community to maintain their use.
In the future we hope to be able to raise more funds specifically for this project and to repair a deep well solar powered pump that is standing inactive in the community. If you feel that you can help in any way please contact us at admin@pingambia.org.